Our Beef is 100% grass-fed and pasture raised from beginning to end
The health benefits of grass-fed beef are only achieved when you consume meat from animals raised on pasture. Our beef is 100% free of all antibiotics and hormones. We are audited and certified by the Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) organization.
Our Beef is 100% raised on our family ranch
Our yearlings, which are processed at 15-20 months of age, are born and raised on our ranch here in Corona, NM. We use quality Angus Bull genetics with traits desirable for grass-fed beef production.
Our Beef is locally processed.
Our beef is processed locally in Ft. Sumner, NM or Western Way in Moriarty, NM. Both processors have been certified and audited by Animal Welfare Approved (AWA).
Our calves are raised in a nurtured holistic environment
Our cattle graze on rangeland divided up into large pastures where we utlize pasture rotation during the grass growing season to naturally control insects and to assure quality rangeland grass growth. We do not pen up our cattle for the purpose of feeding to gain weight.
Our Beef is dry aged then quick frozen to preserve freshness.
Upon completion of the 3 week dry-aging process, the hanging carcass is processed according to your meat cuts specification and immediately frozen where it remains frozen through delivery. We do not inject our beef with preservatives or let them sit out in a display case for days on end like your average grocery store.